A group of pickleball players in the Mad River Valley who meet at the Warren, Vermont Town Courts. All abilities from never-ever to seasoned players are welcome. Paddles and instruction provided if desired. No charge during outdoor play.

We ask that you sign up here (By clicking "IN") so that we know how many are coming and have at least 4. Also, if you sign up and then can not make it, please sign yourself as "OUT".

If you are a beginner and would like an introduction to the game, sign up and send out a message to everyone.

Sport Pickleball
Home city Warren, Vermont
Team members 307 (Player list)

Thursday night there was a snow storm. 5 people were signed up, but I was the only one who showed up. There is a major storm forecast for Sunday, Feb 16. Should I just assume that the session is cancelled? Is there some way of knowing other than driving to the school? Can someone create a feature in Playerlineup that sends an email to players that are signed up when an event is cancelled?


It seems like the website allows individual messages to announce cancellations. I am sending this to you to see if that works. Did you see my general message about cancellations?

Gary, profile photo

Hi Michael, I did send a message to all those who were signed up to play Thursday night in the morning on Thursday once the school told me that we could not use the gym. It was sent via email and posted on the group wall. I also deleted the play session. This is the email in the system for you - physics(miuku)madriver(piste)com, is that correct? If it is not you will not receive the messages. You might also check your spam folder. We were only not allowed to play because it was a snow day. We could play Sunday but I see we had 5 but it is now down to 3 as two people have dropped out. I suspect others may also drop out because of the weather. Always best to check Player Line up prior to departing especially on storm days to be sure there are enough players signed up as well.


Sorry I have to sign out. I have the stomach flu. Thanks.

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Contact Information

Contact person: Geordie Hall, ghall05674@gmail.com, 802-793-5316 or Gary Kessler, Gary@gmsr.info, 802-496-5415.

A group of pickleball players who meet at the Warren Town Courts by the elementary school . All abilities from never-ever to seasoned players are welcome. Paddles and instruction provided if desired. No charge during outdoor play. 

Please remember that Player LIne-up is not a court reservation system. The courts we use are first come - first served. If others are on the courts when we arrive we may need to wait our turn. Please be courteous!

We ask that you sign up here (By clicking "IN") so that we know how many are coming and have at least 4. Also, if you sign up and then can not make it, please sign yourself as "OUT".

If you are a beginner and would like an introduction to the game, sign up and send out a message to everyone.