It’s possible I could be late or a no show due to an appointment before this.
A heads-up that some wasps have built a nest in the ball/net box at the courts. We will be bringing some wasp spray this week to encourage them to move out. Until they are evicted please use caution opening the box and be on the lookout for wasps.
For play tomorrow, Sunday (5/12) we can plan to play outdoors at 4pm but if the weather is not suitable we will be able to play in the school gym. Please sign up for outdoor play and we can decide which location works best.
I am likely to be 15-20 minutes late.
Do Keith and I need to have our own paddles or can we borrow some until we figure out which ones to buy?
Hi Ginger you are welcome to use my loaner paddles but that will only work if I am there when you play. Glad to point you the a good direction for paddles as I spend way too much time learning about them. Best if you want to call me 802-279-2457 and we can talk about some ideas.
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