Tamme, profile photo


1. We added 2 new sessions because so many people wish to play. This has been miss used by a lot of players! Why?
Because these specific people are signing up for 3, 4, sometimes 5 sessions!
Thus, after 12 players sign up, people who haven’t had an opportunity to play cannot sign up! It is not only UNFAIR, but INCONSIDERATE OF THOSE WHO WANT A CHANCE TO PLAY, TOO!!.
Plus, it defeats the purpose of adding extra playing sessions!

My suggestion: 2 sign-ups per person, per week. IF 12 HAVE NOT SIGNED UP BY THE LATE AFTERNOON OF THAT DAY, certainly add your name.
(NOTE: anyone who hasn’t been able to sign up for the 2 specified days, can always ADD THEIR names to the list, in case players drop out).

2. “ FOUL” BALLS MUST BE CALLED out!. It is good sportsmanship, because this keeps players safe, EX: from tripping over balls! By not calling “FOUL” you are putting your teammates in precarious positions. Torn ligaments, etc. are not FUN!

Pickleball is a game. Join a CLUB if you wish to play all the time.

I’d appreciate comments/concerns. Being thoughtful of others is my main point.


Thanks Tamme, I agree we all need to be considerate about sign ups. This is a good opportunity to direct us all again to the sign up directions that Gary posted in comments on January 21 (look in "Messages" drop down list, then "Wall"). It is very similar to Tamme's suggestions.

Gary and others have worked hard this year to try and make pickleball at Warren as available and equitable as possible to all and I want to thank them again for their efforts. I hope we will fill up those extra sessions more regularly.


I totally respect the 12-person limit and am going to sign up as number 14, only to show up if two people drop out and I move up to number 12. I know that Tamme is next up, as she signed up as number 13. Thanks!

Tamme, profile photo

It is your right to sign up this way. I do it in case someone drops out, which means I might be next on the list.

Gary, profile photo

A heads-up that during the last week of March the Warren School kids will be practicing for an up coming play. As a result play on the 27th and 28th will not start until 6PM to allow the kids to clean-up after practice. They will also be practicing on the 26th but should finish cleaning up by 5:30. Please do not arrive early on the 26th so they will not be disrupted.


Left my pb paddle in MA :(. Does anyone coming this evening have an extra one I can borrow?


Hi Jane. I have one you can use tonight


Thank you! What door do I go to at the elementary school? I have only played on the outside courts.