Thanks for signing up for tomorrow's clinic. Just a reminder that if you have a non-wooden paddle it would be great if you would bring it to use. We have a limited number of loaners that I will bring. Also for safety please wear court type shoes if you have them and try to avoid the very large soled running shoes as they are not stable for side-to-side and fast stopping and starting which you will do while playing.
Also be sure to bring water and maybe a snack.
I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
Looking forward to joining everyone again at the end of June.
As the we are unable to use the Warren School Gym this week I have set up outside games on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. We will still have access to the gym for indoor play for a few more weeks if the weather is unsuitable for outdoor play. I expect we will be removing the tape from the gym floor by mid-May.
With some of our remaining Rec District grant money and earned money from volunteering to help with the Green Mountain Stage Race we purchased 4 new comfortable benches with backrests for the courts. Thanks to Neil Mostov for building the benches and to Mike C. for helping me move them. The benches are in place now.
We will also be scheduling several introduction to PB clinics for new players in the coming weeks. These will be scheduled for a weekend day and will have a limit of 8 players for each session. I have loaner 4 paddles I can bring but more will be needed if we do have 8 players and none of them have paddles. If you have older paddles that you are no longer using and would like to make them available for these intro clinics please let me know.
Looking forward to getting back outside on the beautiful Warren courts.
My husband Keith and I are new to Pickleball. We would love some instruction or a lesson before playing. Suggestions?
Ginger, Judy and I would love to show you the game. We are back in VT this Saturday. We will be in touch.
Fantastic! Thanks Geordie.
We will also be offering some beginner clinics in May. Likely on a Sunday afternoon prior to open play. I will send a note out to the group as well as on FPF.
Gary, that would be great. I'll look for it.
Heads-up! The Warren School has an artist in residence coming up. As a result all indoor games from 4/29-5/10 have been canceled. I will watch the weather and look to add outdoor games to the schedule if the weather looks promising.
Prior to the first outdoor play we should plan arrive early to do some court clean-up as the courts need to be swept, sticks and pine needles picked up and rolling nets set-up. All we need is a nice stretch of spring weather.
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